Name *
Sex * MaleFemale
Phone Number *
E-Mail *
Race * AfricanWhiteColouredIndianOther
Sexual Orientation * Same GenderOpposite GenderBoth
Highest Qualification * Less Than MatricMatricDiplomaDegreePost-Graduate Degree
Monthly Income * Less Than R4 999R5 000 - R9 000R10 000 - R19 000R20 000 - R29 000R30 000 - R39 000R40 000 - R49 000R50 000 - R59 000R60 000 - R69 000R70 000 - R79 000R80 000+
Province * Eastern CapeFree StateGautengKwazulu NatalLimpopoMpumalangaNorth WestNorthern Cape
City / Town *
Words that best describe HIV/AIDS to you? * Normal LifeManageable VirusSicknessThe End
When was your last HIV/AIDS test? * 1-4 weeks1-3 months3-6 months1 year2 years3 years3 years+
Did you do a follow up test? * YesNo
If you are/were HIV/AIDS positive, would you disclose your status? * YesNo
Reason? *
Do you know your HIV/AIDS status? * YesNo
If HIV/AIDS positive, are you on treatment? * YesNo
If on treatment, do you understand the benefits of treatment? * YesNo
Reason *
Words that best describe HIV/AIDS in the community you live in * Normal LifeManageable VirusSicknessThe End
In your perception, is your community HIV/AIDS friendly? * YesNo
Has someone disclosed their HIV/AIDS status to you? * YesNo
Relationship Status * SingleDatingMarried
How long have you been together? *
Do you know your partners HIV/AIDS status? * YesNo
Are you sexually active? * YesNo
Do you use protection i.e. condoms? * YesNo
Would you date someone who’s HIV/AIDS positive? * YesNo
Do you think current campaigns on HIV/AIDS are effective? * YesNo